3.6 Clocks and Timers

The Vivi app can be used to display a clock, timer or stopwatch on the classroom display using this feature.

To access, select the Clocks and Timers icon on the main page of a room.

3.6.1 Clock

To display a clock, select Clock from the left-hand side, insert a title/name for the clock (optional), then select if the clock displayed will be Analog, Digital or Both. Select Display Clock to show it on the classroom display.


To remove the clock, use the Square Stop button in the lower left.

3.6.2 Stopwatch

To display a stopwatch, select Stopwatch from the left-hand side and insert a title/name for the stopwatch (optional). Select Display Stopwatch to show it on the classroom display.


Once displayed, use the Start button in the lower left of the Vivi app to begin the stopwatch.


Once counting, the Lap button can be used to keep track of split times. To stop the stopwatch, use the Stop button, or to stop displaying, use the Square Stop button.


3.6.3 Timer

To display a timer, select Timer from the left-hand side, insert a title/name for the timer (optional), then choose how long the timer is to run for, how long the alert (end sound and flashing screen) will play/display for, if the timer is to repeat, and if the end alert is to have audio or not. Select Display Timer to show it on the classroom display.


To pause a timer, use the Pause button in the lower left. Once paused, the Resume button can be used to continue the timer. To stop displaying the timer, use the Square Stop button.



3.7 Screenshot and Annotate

3.7.1 Screenshot

Screenshots of the classroom display can be taken by teachers and students at any time when someone is sharing. This is done by selecting Screenshot from the room’s homepage.

Screenshots are saved automatically to the teacher’s or student's device.

  • If on a laptop, such as Windows computer or a MacBook, the image will be saved into a Vivi folder in the Pictures folder.
  • If on a mobile device such as a tablet (eg. an iPad) or on a phone, the image will be saved into the camera roll.

When the screenshot saves, a notification will appear in the Vivi app informing the user of this.

3.7.2 Annotate

Teachers and students are able to annotate over a screenshot of the classroom display. There are three ways to do this:

1. If sharing, the user can select Annotate from the floating toolbar.

Because the Annotate feature is a part of the Floating Toolbar and Vivi Controls feature, it is not available on some platforms, like iOS and Android.

2. Any user can select Screenshot then Annotate from the notification that appears.

3. Any user can press and hold on the Screenshot icon until the Annotate icon appears. Annotate Tools

Upon selecting Annotate from any of the above methods, Vivi’s annotation tools, as seen in Whiteboard (refer to section 3.6 for further information).

Unlike Whiteboard mode, if a user selects Back to return to the room’s homepage, all annotations will be cleared. Any annotations should therefore be saved before exiting.

3.7.3 Privacy Mode

There are times when teachers do not want students to be able to take screenshots of the classroom display. To remove this ability temporarily, teachers can turn on Privacy Mode. This can be done from the expanded floating toolbar, from the orange bar at the bottom of the room’s homepage when sharing, or from the video controls when using Vivi’s Play Content feature (refer to section 3.4 for further information).


3.8 Message Class

3.8.1 Message Class

Vivi’s Message Class feature allows teachers to quickly and easily send messages, including URLs, to everyone connected to the room.

To send a message, select Message Class from the room’s homepage, select New Message, either type or copy-and-paste text into the box, and click Send Message.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated  A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

All connected users, including students and teachers, will receive a notification in their app letting them know that a message has arrived. Upon clicking on the Message Class icon, they will be able to view the message. If the message includes a URL, this URL will become a clickable link.

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To remove a message, select Clear from the Message Class pop-up.

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3.9 Assessment and Polls

Vivi’s Assessment tool can be used to run simple formative assessments with a class and the Poll toll can used to run wellbeing polls with the class.

3.9.1 Assessment

To begin an Assessment, teachers can display a question to be answered by the students either via the Whiteboard tool or another app. Select Assessment from the room’s homepage. This will pause the classroom display (if currently sharing) and bring up the Assessment options.

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The types of Assessment that can be run are:

  • Multiple Choice Alphabetical
  • Multiple Choice Numerical
  • True/False
  • Yes or No
  • Free-form

Choose the Assessment type then select a time limit if required. On the right-hand side, if running either of the Multiple Choice Assessments, choose the number of answers (between 2 and 8) and, if running any except a Free-form, select the correct answer (optional). Select Start Assessment to begin.

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Students will see the options to respond within their app and teachers will see the results live in their app (refer to the Results section below for further information).

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3.9.2 Polls

To begin a Poll, select Polls from the room’s homepage. This will pause the classroom display (if currently sharing) and bring up the Poll options.

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On the left-hand side use the first drop down to select a template, then use the second dropdown to set a time limit if required. A preview of the Poll will appear on the right-hand side. Click on Start Poll to begin.

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Vivi has some default templates already on the app, however schools are able to modify or create their own so your templates may look different.

Students will see the options to respond within their app and teachers will see the results live in their app (refer to the Results section below for further information).

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3.9.3 Results

When running either an Assessment or a Poll, teachers can view the live results in their app. By default, a list of the students' responses will be shown with their names hidden.

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Use the selector on the left-hand side to view a Bar Chart or Pie Chart, or use the Show button in the centre to view individual student names.

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To end an Assessment or Poll, select the Stop Assessment or Stop Poll button on the left-hand side, then select Confirm in the pop-up.A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Once an Assessment or Poll has been stopped, results are saved in Vivi Central for you to access at any time. For further information on Vivi Central, refer to section 12.