1.1 Organization Selection

Upon opening the Vivi app you will need to select your organization – this is usually the name of your school or district. If you are connected to your school network, you organisation should appear automatically. 

If your organisation is not shown, select the Find My Organisation button. 

If searching for your organization, you will need to enter either your email or your organization code (ECA), then select Search. 

1.2 Login

After selecting your organization, you will be prompted to log in or sign up. 

If you have previously used Vivi, select Log In then enter the email address and password you set up to log into Vivi. If you have forgotten your password, use the Forgot Password? link to reset. 

1.3 Rooms

Upon logging in, you will be taken to the rooms list. On the left-hand side, you can search for a room, or browse through any locations your organization has set up. On the right-hand side you will see a list of any favorite rooms and nearby rooms.

To connect to a room, either double click on the room name, or click on the room name and select Join Room.

1.4 Favorite Rooms

Favorite rooms can be used for rooms that you teach in on a regular basis. This can be especially useful in larger organisations where the rooms list is lengthy. 

To favourite a room, click on the star next to its name in the rooms list.

1.5 Onboarding

When a teacher connects to Vivi for the first time and then joins a room, they will be presented with a short series of slides on how they can use Vivi in their classroom. Use the Next button to move through, or select Remind Me Later to view at another time.